FEB 2019 – President’s Article by Marissa Kramer
Happy February Redlands Chamber Members!

Wow! I cannot believe January is already over and we are rolling along in this month of LOVE!
Thank you for all who attended this year’s Chamber Installation, Man and Woman of the Year, and Police and Firefighter of the Year Dinner and Ceremony. It was room packed with proud Redland-ers, New Redland-ers, and Redland-ers that have volunteered for our community for many, many years. It was such an honor to present the awards to the servicemen selected that have fearlessly put their lives on the line for our protection and safety.
I’d like to recognize and thank the Board of Directors that were installed for their terms during the Installation Ceremony. Justin Bouzane, of The Results Group Real Estate has served on many committees within the Chamber and he is just one of the movers and shakers to keep your eye on! Thank you to Justin for accepting the Board position, continuing to serve on the YPN and Ambassadors Committees, and making memories with Mansion Memories. We look forward to your continued service and volunteerism.
I’d also like to welcome Bill Tooke of the Law Offices of Mirau, Edwards, Cannon, Lewin and Tooke. Bill brings to us, a legal perspective whilst we make discuss and make decisions for the betterment of all of our sister businesses here in Redlands. Thank you for your service Bill, we look forward to having you on our Board.
Also, a big thank you to our Committees and Chair-people to head up these committees and make our events and organizations run smoothly! We’ve had many Chair-people agree to Chair the committees for 2019. Kate Jordan, of The Ayres Hotel, will Chair (for the first time) the Ambassadors committee. We are wishing all of our Committees continued success and growth for this year!
Rise ‘N Shine is scheduled for Friday, February 1st at the Elks’ Lodge. Come and hear what’s going on with our City’s Non-Profit Organizations and Local Businesses, and visit with your favorite Chamber of Commerce Friends. We hope to see you there!
Sincerely, Marissa Kramer 2019 Chamber President