APRIL 2019 – President’s Article by Marissa Kramer
Happy April Redlands Chamber Members!

Welcome to spring, and what beautiful weather we’ve been blessed with this month! Well since we had to endure all of last month’s rain wasn’t it gracious of Mother Nature to bless our area with all of the beautiful green lush grasses and wildflowers? If you haven’t had an opportunity to get out and see how beautiful our slice of the Inland Empire is, it is a great time to do so!
This month we got to celebrate the Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting of Wingstop in the Redlands Packing House District. The owners and operators offered a free wings lunch to its first 100 visitors! See, it pays to keep your eye out for our new Chamber Members and always make sure to welcome them warmly!
The Young Professionals Network hosted their second workshop series in which Dave Maupin, owner of Maupin Financial Advisors, spoke to the group at The Ayres Hotel Redlands. Dave shared his background and story of perseverance of when he started his business here in Redlands. He shared toasting tips and gave advice on how volunteerism is essential to growing your own professional network. He recommended that [if you can] align your volunteerism with something that you are passionate about; if you do this, the rewards back to you will be innumerable.
The Redlands Bicycle Classic rolled in and out like the wind that accompanied it! The wind seemed like it would create quite a challenge, but not for the World-Class athletes that participated in the races! It seemed as if the wind was always at their backs as they raced to the finish lines! What a great event The Redlands Bicycle Classic is, and at 35 years strong it brings so much economic growth and revenue to our local businesses. We look forward to its future success and seeing the legends that come from such a wonderful homegrown event.
Business to Business was hosted by the Ayres Hotel Redlands this month, we had an opportunity to meet one another to share Current Events from our local business and non-profit partners. Like I’ve said many times before, you get out of Business to Business what you put in to it! If you come and soak up the networking opportunities, you can make this event work for you. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve reached out to people, or businesses, that I’ve met through our Chamber events that I’ve needed in times of crisis (i.e. ServPro) or when I need advice (i.e. The Law Offices of Mirau, Edwards, Cannon, Lewin, and Tooke). Our Chamber events are some of the days that I look forward to the most because I get to see you, my friends. I thank all of you for coming, participating, and using the Chambers services to grow and develop your personal and professional growth.
Marissa Kramer
2019 Chamber President