Pin-Ups For Vets, Inc. a new twist on an old idea

Pin-Ups For Vets, a Redlands based non-profit organization, proudly enters its 5th year of outstanding service to our Nation’s hospitalized Veterans and deployed military service members. This award-winning calendar fundraiser, founded by Inland Empire native and UCLA grad, Ms. Gina Elise, takes its inspiration from the pin-up calendars of the 1940’s that helped boost morale for the troops fighting overseas during WWII. The calendar fundraiser, that
supports under-funded health care programs for our Nations heroes in VA and military hospitals, also honors the WWII Army service of the founder’s grandfather. In addition to raising funds and making yearly donations to support and improve health care for our ill and injured Veterans, Ms. Elise has made thousands of personal bedside visits to cheer up Veterans and recovering troops in hospitals across the U.S. by delivering the Pin-Ups for Vets calendars, “Kiss A Vet” T-shirts, and posters, donated by the charity’s loyal supporters around the world.

Ms. Elise has also become a spokesperson to encourage others to volunteer at their local VA hospitals. Besides boosting morale for our hospitalized Veterans, Ms. Elise also ships hundred of care packages, filled with the donated Pin-Ups For Vets appreciation gifts to our deployed troops around the world the troops have reciprocated their appreciation by flying 8 American flags over military bases during combat missions to honor the charitable work by Ms. Elise. The Pin-Ups for Vets organization has been honored with community service awards by the CA Jaycees Foundation, the CA Jr. Chamber of Commerce, the Daily Points of Light Foundation, and the Los Angeles Business Journal. This special    V eterans    project    has    appeared in American Legion Magazine, Stars and Stripes, the Sun Newspaper, the Boston Herald, on Fox News Los Angeles, on Time Warner Cable TV, and in many other national media

To learn more about Pin Ups For Vets visit