LaunchPad301 is a place where Entrepreneurial Dream’s are “Hatched”
Tacit Solutions, LLC has created LaunchPad301 a private business incubator in Redlands focused purely on launching entrepreneurial based startup companies throughout the Inland Empire in Southern California. The new business incubator is located at The RedlandsMill professional office suites in Redlands at 301 9th Street. The private „for-profit‟ business incubator will be operated by Tacit Solutions, LLC of Redlands and owned by a group of private investors from Redlands and Silicon Valley. The first 2,000 square feet of space allocation and facility support services are currently underway to house the initial 8 companies that will occupy the facility in 2012. The incubator facility space is being underwritten by John Mills, owner of The RedlandsMill.
LaunchPad301 provides hands-on business assistance, mentoring, formal training, along with seed funding and office space for up to four companies at a time through an intensive business accelerator program. Participants‟ have two entry points for the incubator program each year in either February or August. Each participating company accepted into the program is eligible to receive up to $25,000 in low-cost business consulting services, professional support, office space, and seed funding grants based on need and performance.
LaunchPad301 is geared to help innovative companies involved in creating new software or hardware applications for energy efficient designs, mobile internet applications, custom semiconductors and robotics. A company does not have to be focusing on high technology electronic products to enter into the incubator program. The local incubator management team is also interested in talking to innovative entrepreneurs for example, who may be developing revolutionary water purification techniques that can help bring clean water to all parts of the world for pennies a gallon. LaunchPad301 can also help existing companies‟ re-engineer earlier versions of their product to reach the critical stage of beta customer feedback for new vertical go-to- market strategies. . More detailed information will be available at and at (909) 307- 1111 regarding the online application process.