SEPT 2013 – New Chamber Members – August 2013

Leslie Farris
1330 Industrial Park Avenue
Redlands, CA  92374
Phone:  307-2514
Web Site:
Stephanie Duff
San Bernardino, CA  92404
Phone:  247-0222
Web Site:
Karina Hernandez
2094 W. Redlands Blvd, Suite 1
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  748-7200
Erik Morden
802 W. Colton Avenue, Suite B
Redlands, CA  92374
Phone:  894-3190
Justin Harris
345 Pearl Avenue, Suite 130
Redlands, CA  92374
Phone:  335-5700
Web Site:
Stacey Rasada
71847 Highway 111, Suite C
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
Phone:  760-341-6892
Web Site:
Emanuel Jacobson
2 East State Street
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  793-7986
Web Site:
Phil & Sheri Stahlheber
404 E. Redlands Blvd
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  792-5577
Web Site:  www.signsnowredlands
Francisco Guerrero
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  708-1877
Web Site:
Natina Lasher
1786 Lugonia Avenue
Redlands, CA  92374
Phone:  760-951-1763
Web Site:

SEPT 2013 – Renewing Chamber Members – August 2013

Natalie Barker
650 New York Street
Redlands, CA  92374
Phone:  792-0185
Chris Ehorn
1015 W. Colton Avenue
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  335-9024
Sarah Sillers
1150 Brookside Avenue, Suite J1
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  792-1399
Vangie Bravo
105 Terracina Blvd
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  793-2271
Stephanie Houston
1214 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA  92374
Phone:  793-3115
Michael Humack
516 Texas Street
Redlands, CA  92374
Phone:  792-8792
Dan Drouault
715 W. Colton Avenue
Redlands, CA  92374
Phone:  793-6636
Dr. Chauhan
1748 E. Lugonia Avenue #128
Redlands, CA  92374
Phone:  794-1888
LaVesta Locklin
11363 Walnut Street
Redlands, CA  92374
Phone:  794-1086
Michael Broderick
300 W. Redlands Blvd
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  793-3373
Deborah Kinder
P. O. Box 8803
Redlands, CA  92375
Phone:  798-1052
Steve Tatevossian
529 Brookside Avenue
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  792-5000
Gian Dudley
11215 Mountain View, Suite 165
Loma Linda, CA  92354
Phone:  558-3453
Laurie Shumate
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  714-875-5334
Teresa Rogers
1189 W. State Street
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  307-9121
Nancy Kenny
1980 Orange Tree Lane, Suite 210
Redlands, CA  92374
Phone:  801-3510
Ed Castro
1751 Orange Tree Lane
Redlands, CA  92374
Phone:  307-2244
Jim Cooper
349 No. Eureka
Redlands, CA  92374
Phone:  792-4776
Dave Easton
P. O. Box 7875
Redlands, CA  92375
Phone:  793-4895
Al Sanchez
P. O. Box 9421
Redlands, CA  92375
Earl Luevano
409 E. Citrus Avenue
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  792-7221
Susan Oberhelman
601 North “E” Street
San Bernardino, CA  92405
Phone: 386-2413
Karen Di Carlo
824 E. 6th Street
San Bernardino, CA  92410
Phone:  885-0090
Laura Dickerson
301 South Tippecaneo Avenue
San Bernardino, CA  92408
Phone:  733-5000
Victoria Valenzuela
1461 Ford Street, Suite 105
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  748-7777

SEPT 2013 – How To Get The Most of Networking Events

How to get the most of networking events big or small….

Sixty-five percent of businesses join a Chamber because of networking so it’s important to know how to best take advantage of every opportunity presented.

Here are seven tips that are sure fire winners.

1. Cultivate a genuine interest in seeing others succeed…. and help them do it:

When you meet somebody for first time focus all your attention on asking probing questions to learn about THEM such as: What brings you here today? Who are you trying to connect with? Who would be an ideal prospect for you? What is your biggest frustration?

2. Listen…Listen…. and then Listen some more:

When engaged in a conversation, BEFORE you respond to somebody, pause and briefly summarize what you just heard before you share what you were going to say.  This is a simple yet powerful technique to make the other person feel understood and demonstrates that you care what they have to say.

3. The “Three Second Rule”

As soon as you enter a room, start a conversation with the first person you see within the first 3 seconds.  DO NOT HESITATE, don’t look for somebody you know and don’t go to the bar.  It doesn’t matter who you approach, just go talk to somebody!

The goal here is to build confidence, get outside ‘your head’ and build the habit of proactively meeting people.  At most events there is usually a registration desk.  Try and view this as the “warm up”.  Use this opportunity to speak to the person beside you as you sign in or receive your name tag.

4. The soft touch:

You may have noticed what typically happens at networking events is people form small groups (usually consisting of friends or office colleagues) who then talk amongst themselves.  This situation presents a challenge for most people.

Here is a very non-threatening way to approach one of these groups if you know somebody in the group (even if you don’t know them very well).  As you are walking by simply “soft touch” the person you know on the shoulder, smile, and say hi, making sure to address them by their name.  Don’t motion to shake their hand, and instead simply give a small wave as you keep walking (shaking hands is usually too much of a commitment in this situation). This seemingly small gesture accomplishes the following goals:

a) Strengthening the relationship with the person you know.
b) In some situations the individual will stop you and say “James, have you met…..” and bring you into the group to introduce you to everybody else (although this is a possibility- do not expect it)
c) It gives you unconscious face time with the other people in that group.  Some of them will notice you and you now have a small connection with them for generating a future conversation.
d) If you really wanted to meet somebody from that group and didn’t get an opportunity to at the event, you can call the person you know and say “Hey I noticed you speaking to….I would love to meet them. Would you mind introducing us?”

5. Smile

The whole time smiling conveys happiness, fun, positive, and so many other great emotions!   Maya Angelou is quoted as saying

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

This is profound. How do you want to make people feel?

6. Introduce people to each other:

Anytime you have a chance to introduce people who can benefit from knowing each other do it.  Sending a quick email introduction is a great habit to get into.

“Help enough people get what they want and you’ll get what you want” – Zig Zigler

7.  Keep in touch by sending things of value:

Most people contact others when they want something.  This is okay once in a while, but if this is the only instance in which you touch base with somebody, sooner or later they are not going to screen your calls.  Ironically, you can have a lot of success in doing the complete opposite.  If 80% of the time you contact somebody to offer them something of interest or value they are going to open your email or take your call every time.

A simple way to do this is keeping your eyes open for events, articles, and blogs that would interest your contacts. Other ideas include sending email introductions or cards to congratulate them for achieving success or maybe offering tickets to a sports game or event that they may enjoy.  These little gestures go a long way if you are doing it because you genuinely care.  You will not only grow your relationship with that individual but they will WANT to hear what you have to say every time you contact them.  In addition to making somebody else feel good you will personally feel like a million dollars when you make the time do something like this!

Follow these simple rules of engagement and your success rate at networking will increase the very first time you practice them.

AUG 2013 – City News by Council Member Pat Gilbreath

It may be summer, but there are no lazy days here. The City continues to make progress in infrastructure rehabilitation, economic development and health and recreation opportunities for our residents.

The City’s streets are improving and looking great with road resurfacing and reconstruction under way and more to come. And Southern California Edison is continuing its efforts to upgrade the City’s electrical grid system to avoid business interruptions due to power outages and major disasters such as underground explosions. Last month SCE replaced three antiquated transformers in the historic downtown district in an effort to improve reliability. While a daylong power outage necessary to safely replace the equipment created some inconvenience, the work was done quickly and will allow residents and visitors to continue enjoying our wonderful downtown.

New businesses are opening and others keep growing. Yogurtland frozen yogurt has opened a new location on Orange Street between Rubio’s and Starbucks.  Hopefully they will experience the outpouring of support from our citizens. We continually hear how new businesses are having exceptionally successful openings.

Epic Management has relocated their operations into a new 31,086-square-foot facility on Orange Tree Lane. We would expect this will generate new job opportunities as well.  Moving can be so disruptive I am sure they must address the relocation before they think about expansion.

The City is offering assistance to businesses with Federal grant and loan programs. The first is the Microenterprise Grant Assistance Program (MAP). This grant does not require repayment and ranges from $5,000 up to $25,000 to purchase equipment or provide working capital.

The second program is the Economic Development Loan Program (EDLP). This loan program offers funding from $25,000 up to $150,000 for the creation of new jobs for low and moderate income folks. These loans have interest rates of 2 percent and periods of 5 to 15 years to repay.

These programs are part of the Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). Funds and are limited to our annual allocation. City staff is currently reviewing applications received over the past two weeks. Once the review is complete, staff will determine if funds are still available and, if necessary, reopen the application process. Check the City’s website ( to explore either of these grant or loan programs.

Healthy Redlands is alive and WELL!  We are currently in the process of providing a morning summer camp at the Community Center.  We have 100 children registered with about 30 children in attendance every day. Staff worked out an arrangement for Boys and Girls Club staff and their kids to come use our fabulous gym during this very hot summer and provide the exercise programs for our kids at the same time.

Healthy Redlands is also partnering with the Fire Department for Fire Prevention Week and we will be providing a Health Fair on Oct. 12 at Fire Station No. 1. If you are a health provider and wish to participate in a booth or hands-on demonstration please contact either me or Fire Chief Jeff Frazier to indicate your participation.

Remember to be safe and have an enjoyable rest of the Summer!




AUG 2013 – President’s Article by Daney Bachiu

 I hale from Saskatchewan, which has its own hail, lots of it, they insure it. They also have mud…rich, ooey, gooey, squish between your toes mud, Saskatchewan Gumbo it’s called. . So it was with great enthusiasm that I got involved when the chamber announced they were putting on a mud run. Kathie and I drove around searching for large empty lots and calling complete strangers asking to use their land.  All was well until directed to their legal departments; that muddied up the waters very quickly. We went back and forth slinging mud with the legal departments, ending up with mud on our faces when we had to cancel the first run date. We continued to wallow with the lawyers and they muddled along wasting time again. At this point in time, we decided to pack up our mud pies. Once we gave up our mud quest, light bulbs went off in our heads and we followed the path of enlightenment to the Orange County Fairgrounds last November. We were all aglow watching and participating in an Electric Run. Watching thousands of participants lit up like Christmas trees from head to toe, stroller to trike, moms and dads, toddlers to teens, and fun seekers from far and wide, it was, well quite electrifying. We knew we had to bring this illuminating experience to Redlands, and so we have.  December 14, 2013 is the date for The Chamber Night Light Run.  The committee is all pumped up and working hard to make this a bright spot in the holiday season. So gather your friends and beam as a team, paint up your face and get your glow on.  Mark December 14, as a “Save the Date”.  THIS IS GOING TO BE FUN!

Our ever vigilant chamber of commerce was once again at the forefront of gathering the troops (This time it was our wonderful nonprofit community) to battle some city council members who wanted to stop waiving the “hard cost” fees for local non-profit organization putting on special events in Redlands. While the chamber understands and even applauds an effort to save the city money, this was clearly a case of not seeing the big picture. By not waiving the hard cost fees some of our longtime events, The Christmas Parade, The Bicycle Classic, The Run Through Redlands, The Fourth of July Spectacular, and even the Redlands Bowl summer programs, could be severely impacted. The increased costs could even shut down some of these long standing events. There could be a real loss of revenue to the City, fewer scholarships would have been distributed, and less money reinvested back into the community if that were to happen. Without having to “storm the Bastille” on Sept 3 Council Meeting, the item in question has been postponed but could rear its ugly head again in the future. The chamber will continue to monitor the issue and will keep you posted.

In the meantime, enjoy what is left of the summer and as the Happenings would sing….  “See You in September”.

AUG 2013 – Krikorian Discounted Movie Tickets Available to Chamber Members

As the cost of just about everything continues to rise, one of the added values of Chamber membership is the ability to escape into the world of movie magic at discounted prices. In partnership with Krikorian Theatres the Redlands Chamber offers discounted tickets to members providing substantial savings when it’s time to go to the movies.

Whether the tickets are used for personal enjoyment or as an incentive for customers or employees, they are a terrific reward for a job well done or a gift for customer loyalty.

Tickets are available at the Chamber office for members only during normal office hours, Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM (closed 12 –1). Each ticket is $8.00 each (Cash or Check Only Please). For large orders call in advance to insure there are adequate tickets available. (909) 793-2546

Discounted movie tickets; another benefit of chamber membership!!

AUG 2013 – Penalties Delayed For Small Businesses

The requirement that businesses provide their workers with health insurance or face fines will be delayed by one year.

The delay came after business owners expressed concerns about the complexity of the law’s reporting requirements, the Internal Revenue Department reported. Under the Affordable Care Act, businesses employing 50 or more full-time workers that don’t provide them health insurance will be penalized.

Business groups had argued for months that the law created an administrative burden for businesses as they tried to update technology and plan to offer health coverage to their employees without knowing how much the coverage would cost.

The delay gives the IRS more time to simplify reporting requirements, as well as for businesses to get up to speed with reporting systems. The government still encourages businesses to voluntarily begin reporting in 2014 so they will be ready for 2015.

Supporters of the employer mandate note that most firms already provide health insurance to full time workers, and downplay the effect the requirement would have on small businesses, citing figures showing the vast majority of small businesses employ fewer than 50 workers.

Opponents claim the employer mandate is a potential job killer, saying businesses near the 50-worker cutoff will be unlikely to ramp up hiring if it means they’re required to provide employ The delay gives the IRS more time to simplify reporting requirements, as well as for businesses to get up to speed with reporting systems. The government still encourages businesses to voluntarily begin reporting in 2014 so they will be ready for 2015.

The new delay will not affect other aspects of the health law, including the establishment of exchanges in states for low-income Americans to obtain health insurance.  It also does not change the individual mandate, which requires most Americans to purchase insurance.



AUG 2013 – Redlands Chamber Night Light Run To “Electrify” The Streets of Redlands

The Redlands Chamber  Night Light Run event is on the way…. Saturday, December 14, 2013, that’s right…..a one of a kind night time experience is coming to downtown Redlands. It’s less about how fast you run and more about enjoying the lights, and the glow of the course along with your friends and family.  The 5K walk/run promises to be the most talked about event in town, where we light up the dark with glowing runners making their way through the streets of Redlands, followed by a spectacular post-race party it’s then off to the businesses in downtown to carry on the celebration.

Runners, walkers, meanderers and roamers can register as individuals or sign up as part of a team; teams are made up of four or more. Prizes will be awarded to the longest glowing “Caterpillar” (team of four or more connected together by lighted cords).  Glow gear is the order of the night and “athletes” are encouraged to come decked out in their finest neon attire. Registered runners will receive an official coveted neon bright T-shirt, glow accessories as well as a race bib.

Participants don’t need to be in the best shape of their lives as the Night Light Run is not a timed race…. There are plenty of other great 5ks out there to test speed and performance. This event is all fun, friends and lights. Entrants can run, walk, crawl, skip, or amble back to the fabulous finish line where there will an amazing light and sound show waiting!

Early registration will be discounted for those that are eager to be first in line at the start, check the website at for electrifying details.

Please like us on Facebook at Redlands Chamber Night Light Run.

AUG 2013 – Member Profile – Country Inn & Suites

Exploring is easy from the Country Inn & Suites in Redlands, located at 1650 Industrial Park Ave., where guests find accommodations to ensure a pleasurable visit to Southern California. Near Big Bear Lake, the San Bernardino National Forest, Lake Arrowhead and a plethora of Shopping and dining destinations when lodging at the Country Inn & Suites in Redlands. Relax with ease with an outdoor pool for water fun, a fitness center for exhilarating workouts and a business center for staying on task. Take advantage of free Wi-Fi, free daily breakfast and spacious rooms equipped with refrigerators and microwaves for your convenience.

Wake feeling rested and refreshed after an overnight stay at the Country Inn & Suites, where all of the hotel rooms exude warmth and charm while featuring home comforts like microwaves, refrigerators, cable TV, coffee makers, complimentary high-speed, wireless Internet access and hair dryers. Whether you are here alone on business or vacationing with family, including the family pet, find all you need and more to recharge. Rooms are 100% non-smoking.

A welcoming atmosphere, an attentive staff and a flexible meeting space at the Country Inn & Suites makes this the perfect place for hosting business meetings, milestone celebrations, family reunions or special banquets. The space can accommodate up to 100 people and includes complimentary high-speed, wired and wireless Internet access, a personalized Web page for group attendees and event planning by the hotel’s staff. Your guests in Redlands also will appreciate group rates and the hotel’s proximity to a throng of great attractions.

Whether you need a get-away or accommodations for visitors, or a location for a meeting call the friendly staff at Country Inn & Suites of Redlands to learn more about the amenities offered, 909 792-7913, or log onto,

AUG 2013 – Member Profile – Joe Greensleeves Restaurant

For an extraordinary dining experience in downtown Redlands you don’t have to travel very far. Joe Greensleeves, a longtime fixture in fine dining in Redlands offers the best in culinary selection for lunch, dinner, special occasion or private event up to twenty five guests.

With a European flare Chef Guillermo “Memo” Matteo, continually changes the menu to entice the palate and charm the taste buds.  At a very young age, he learned the art of cooking from his family, most notably, his mother. A native of Mexico, Memo grew up loving flavor and unusual ingredients. When he had learned enough of the culinary arts to turn professional he began by working the kitchen of Il Fornaio in Beverly Hills, here he was able to explore the flavors of Italy and also learned the art of making pasta. He soon found himself working as a Sous Chef at Trillussa, another Beverly Hills Staple.

In 1997 Memo found his way to Redlands, California where he worked in the kitchen at Clara’s, a now lost jewel of the Inland Empire. During his time at Clara’s he had the opportunity to learn from Chef Umberto Orlando, a native of Rome. It was during that time that Memo had his first opportunity to fill in as Head Chef and run his own kitchen. Memo’s extraordinary effort earned him a place as Executive Chef at Joe Greensleeves in 1999.

Since then, Memo has dedicated himself to producing perfect meals with the freshest ingredients the Inland Empire has to offer. He takes great pride in making his own pasta and ravioli, his own fresh sausage and his own pancetta. Memo’s passion spills over into every dish, especially when he has the opportunity to make unique dishes out of seasonal and rare ingredients like Alaskan Halibut, fresh Foie Gras and Wagyu Beef.

Thursdays through Saturday, open at 5PM to closing, Enoteca an Exclusive Lounge upstairs offers cocktails and wines from an extensive wine list along with savory Hors D’oeurves. But if you prefer a private party for dinner you can book in advance and select a special menu to impress your guests.

For that romantic lunch or dinner, that business meeting to impress, a break from the kitchen or just a treat for yourself Joe Greensleeves is conveniently located at 220 Orange Street. To make reservations call 909 792-6969. You can visit their menu at and like them on Facebook to receive menu alerts or special event announcements.