JAN 2019 – Member Profile – Children’s Fund

Children’s Fund creating a better place for our children
The idea of the Children’s Fund, located at 348 W. Hospitality Lane, Suite 110, San Bernardino, was recommended in 1985 as a better way to deliver services to at-risk children that fell under the responsibility of the respective County departments. Led by Patrick J. Morris, the then presiding Judge of the Juvenile Court, a Policy Council was formed. After reviewing many scenarios the endorsement was made to add a nonprofit 501(c) (3) component to the Children’s Network.
In 1986 Children’s Fund was founded. Jack H. Brown, then Chairman & CEO of Stater Bros. Markets was the Founding Chairman of the Board of Directors. Realizing that children “in the system” were not always getting their needs met, Children’s Fund was created as a non-profit organization to be able to serve the children in our county who are in the most need of our support.
The Children’s Fund serves children in multiple ways.
Emergency Needs
The Children’s Fund Emergency Needs Program is used by social workers and case managers to give direct assistance to at-risk children, providing items such as food, clothing, beds, shelter, transportation, medical and dental care, providing equal opportunity for social development for these children.
Community Outreach
Partnering with several community benefit organizations on projects that serve children, Children’s Fund also coordinates special campaigns including the annual Celebration of Giving, collecting tens of thousands of holiday gifts for disadvantaged children throughout the county. In addition, throughout the year we collect backpacks filled with school supplies; winter coats to help the underprivileged stay warm in the colder areas of our region; a lunch pail drive; and hygiene products to encourage healthy children.
Children’s Fund has identified special projects that require ongoing support, such as the Children’s Assessment Center, San Bernardino County’s only one-stop center designed to reduce the trauma of child abuse victims by allowing them to tell their story once while receiving treatment by specially-trained forensic physicians and staff in a child-friendly setting. Other championed projects include support for the homeless youth and educational opportunities for foster children who otherwise would not be able to get a higher education.
Children’s Fund is committed to enhancing the quality of life for local children. We invest today in brighter tomorrows for those who need it most – the at-risk youth in our communities. Every child deserves a chance at a prosperous life, empowered by knowing that others believe in them.
Together, they have the opportunity to make a significant impact in the lives of these children. See how you can get involved today! Call 379-0000 or log onto www. Childrensfund.org.