I can’t say I am sorry to see 2012 go, it was not a great year for me; but, we have seen an increase in blueprint activity for the past six months, a sure indication the economy is on the mend, so I am looking forward to a much better 2013.

Hmmmm, there seems to be something about 2013…something I’m supposed to do…Then it all comes home to roost when Kathie Thurston, our Executive Director, tells me, “your first column for the newsletter is due next week.” MY WHAT??! Obviously there is a huge discrepancy between my version of “easy” and Ms. Thurston’s. The woman needs to run for office as she has all the makings of a politician. None-the-less, I did agree to be President of the Redlands Chamber of Commerce, so I am stepping out of my comfort zone in order to grow… so here it goes.

There is no better advocate for local business than our Redlands Chamber of Commerce. They take up their swords and do battle daily with city, county, state and federal government on behalf of the membership. They constantly have our backs so we can go about doing the things we do best, making pizza, brewing beer, selling insurance and printing blueprints.

Thank you very much for your membership and supporting that effort, I look forward to working with you this year. I would also ask your help in bringing in at least one business to become a member. The membership dues are a small pittance compared to having an attorney write a letter on your behalf, or having one of the government entities add some kind of “fee” to one of your bills. This happens when there is no one there to shout “Wait a minute, this is unfair to businesses” This is what our Redlands Chamber of Commerce does…they have a “mighty voice” and thank God for that.

Never in my wildest dreams did I aspire to be a President or a Madam and now I am both.

Here’s to a healthy and prosperous 2013.


Madame President