FEB 2017 – Directors meet to determine course of the Chamber

Each year the incoming president of the Redlands Chamber of Commerce calls for a directors’ strategic planning meeting. Directors gather to review the past program of work determine successes, assess new ideas and set a course for the coming year.

Newly installed president Todd Underwood, Allstate Insurance, will gather the Board of Directors in early March to begin the planning process, lay out the budget and direct committees.

Reflecting on past years the elected leadership has created new and exciting programs, taken positions on significant business issues made important decisions about the future of the organization and reached out into the business community to serve as an advocate.

It’s expected that the first annual Redlands Chamber Dog Jog will be presented once again this year, partnering with the Redlands Animal Shelter and REDFOS, the first time event was bigger and better than anticipated. Underwood plans to grow the event into a large annual celebration of our pets.

Increasing the membership is always a priority for the board, the larger the organization the louder the voice.

If you would like to offer and idea, suggestion or recommendation for the board’s consideration send an email to info@redlandschamber.org for inclusion in the agenda for strategic planning.