APRIL 2015 – Redlands Fire Department Fire Inspections


The Redlands Fire Department has developed a self-inspection program designed for specific low-risk businesses. This program provides the Fire Department and the city business community an opportunity to form a partnership in maintaining fire and life safety. The primary focus of this program is to deliver fire and life safety inspection information to businesses that historically pose a lower hazard, while keeping business disruptions and administrative cost to a minimum.

The intent of the self-inspection program is that selected low-hazard businesses would be permitted on alternate years to voluntarily opt-out of a full fire inspection conducted by Fire Department personnel annually. (Odd address number in odd years, even address numbers in even years).

Any business that opted for self-inspection would be provided a self-inspection fire and life safety checklist. Upon completion of the checklist by the business, the proprietor will submit the completed and signed checklist with a $22 administrative processing fee.

Any business that fails to complete the self-inspection process within the designated timeframe will be subjected to a conventional fire and life safety inspection. A fee of $134 is charged for inspections conducted by the Fire Department.

The Redlands Fire Department is targeting a January 1, 2016 launch of the three-year trial program.