AUG 2012 – Redlands Mud Run October 20, 2012

                                      Redlands Chamber of Commerce Presents
                                      2012 Redlands Mud Run October 20, 2012
                                                            Here’s the dirt on Mud Runs?

           Get ready to get down and dirty! Unlike your average 5k, 10k or marathon, a mud run is an awesome adventure through…you guessed it…mud! Mud run courses typically combine all the muck with military-style obstacles that require a great amount of grit and determination to conquer. Most mud runs range in distance from 5k to 20k (anywhere from 3+ to 12+ miles) and requires a fair amount of sprinting, climbing, jumping crawling and sometimes swimming.        

         Mud running is for everyone. In the last few years, the “sport” has really gained ground, and you will be hard-pressed to find a calendar week without a mud run going on somewhere in the world. There is a wide range of mud runs in terms of distance, elevation, overall difficulty and competitiveness. But it doesn’t matter if you are a man or woman, chubby like a bunny or tight like a tiger.

 Nearly all mud runs come with the following guarantee:

  1. You’re going to get dirty. Very dirty!
  2. You’re going to have a boat-load of fun!

         Some of the obstacles are simple – for example forcing you to crawl through concrete pipes half full of muddy water. You might be challenged with scaling a wall of hay bales, or maneuvering through tires, forging through mud pits, across monkey bars or swinging on rope swings.

      Each competitor is “timed” using chips triggered at start and finish. Teams are encouraged in order to help one another through the course but individual times are logged. But for the most part those participating in Mud Runs are there to have a good time.

           The Chamber will present a day long event that will not only include a premier Redlands Mud Run but at the same time incorporate a Food court, Vendors, Radio Sponsor/DJ, and Beer Sponsor and much, much more.

          Up for a corporate challenge want bragging rights for the entire year? Put together a team of twelve of your best “mudders” and challenge your competitors …. Best time accumulative time wins and takes home the grand trophy!

Log on to and register today!

July 2012 – Chamber Committee studies City service fees

City Council continues debate on increase to service fees; Sets public hearing on July 17, 2012 City Council Meeting

Recently, the Redlands Daily Facts newspaper published news articles on the City of Redlands proposal to increase certain service fees, ranging from pet adoption to building permits and construction.  At its City Council June 25, 2012 Fee Study Workshop, the Redlands Chamber of Commerce Fee Analysis Task Force, presented a list of questions for city staff, MGT of America, Inc. (Fee Study Consultants),  and/or the City Council to provide answers or clarification and supportive documentation/data.  The memoranda and the list of questions are attached at the end of this briefing.

As the Redlands Chamber of Commerce, representing the business community, the concern remains that our community will shoulder the burden of the City’s increase in fees while others receive and continue to enjoy general fund subsidies.

The “Economic & Policy Considerations” contained on Page 3 of the Consultant’s “revised June 21, 2012” report remain essentially unanswered as these considerations relate to the business community, the possible deterrent to establishment of new businesses and creation of  jobs, and an impediment to economic activity and vitality, all of which will reduce general fund revenues to the city and the level and quality of services to our community.

Please voice your concerns at the July 17th, 2012 City Council public hearing on proposed  Fee Increase Resolution and ask the City Council where are the economic programs and incentives to support the business community.

 Date:          June 25, 2012

To:             City of Redlands City Council

From:         Redlands Chamber of Commerce Fee Analysis Task Force

Subject:     Fee Study Workshop, Comments and Recommendation for

                   Continuance to August or September 2012 City Council meeting

 The Redlands Chamber of Commerce (“Chamber”) supports the City of Redlands(“Council”) in its efforts to update and complete its cost of services study in order to accurately report the true cost of providing various fee-related services to offset or eliminate any general fund subsidy in providing these services.  However, to understand and ascertain the accuracy of the data and the study methodology, the Chamber request that the Council continue the Public Hearing and action on this matter until its August or September Meeting.

 The additional time will provide the Chamber and its membership the opportunity to exam specific details of the study, the methodology, and allow a review of the Fee comparison with other cities as provided by MGT of America, Inc., in the June 21, 2012 revision copy.  The Chamber intends to compare this comparison with another similar report completed by the Kosmont-Rose Institute Survey which indicated that Redlands was “High” in terms of the cost of doing business and whether the recommended increase in fees and the addition of “new fees” would be a deterrent to the establishment of new businesses and industries and be counter to the city’s promotion of economic development, business retention, and economic activities that provides general fund revenues and jobs to the community.

 The Kosmont-Rose Institute Survey reported that two nearby cities were in the top of the list of least expensive cities to do business.  The cities are the City ofHesperiaand the Town ofApple Valleywhereas the cities of Fontana and San Bernardino were at the top of the most expensive cities in the area to do business in.

 The following page contains specific questions for Council, staff, and MGT to address with the Chamber.

Fee Study Questions and Comments 

  1. Will the Council revisit the policy issue of cost recovery of recreation fees?

     Collecting 100% of adult services

     Increasing other services      4-10%


2.  When was the date gathered? NPDES date suggests that the city   completely subsidizes this program. Fees are being collected and have been.

3. Why the significant subsidizing in dog license vs. business license? $48K vs.$9K

4. How much does it cost to review plans?

5. What do you mean by “plan review”, “construction”, and “inspection”? There appears to be redundancy.

6. Fire cost recovery ….what is it?

7. Is there a file of 2007/2006 fees that was used as a base? 

8. What is our break even?

9. Why are new fees included in the study? Should they not be considered independently? They appear to suggest the City is already subsidizing these costs.

10. Have some of the “new fees” been applied since the study? NPDES fees    are currently being collected yet not reflecting payment.

 It was agreed that Measure U must be an important part of the discussion as it will have a significant impact on fees and our ability to be competitive.




July 2012 – Chamber announces another Shop Redlands Winner

            Congratulations to Angelina Frainee, the lucky winner of the Shop Redlands, June $100 Gift Certificate provided by Paul Emerson, Emerson & Farrar Jewelers. The month of July’s Shop Redlands prize is a $100 Prepaid Cash Card sponsored by Matt Leeds, Whitefrog Design.

       Bring in your shopping receipts from chamber members or local businesses and be eligible for the drawing that will be held the last day of July. By shopping at chamber members you will receive two tickets for the drawing, non member receipts qualify you for one ticket. The member directory can be found on the Chamber’s website at The receipts must be $25 or more

          Once again congratulations to Angelina Frainee, and thank you to Paul Emerson, Emerson & Farrar Here we go again …… let’s get shopping in Redlands!


July 2012 – City News – The Treasurer’s Story

By Jerry Bean, Redlands City Council Member

           If you have experience with financial investments and would like to serve the residents of Redlands in much the same way as City Council members, you may be interested in the new very part-time job of elected City Treasurer.

            In November, 2010, city voters decided the position should be elected rather than appointed, and in June of this year the City Council designated the position as part time with the city Finance Department staff doing nearly all the work of the Treasury Department.

            The statutory duties of the City Treasurer as prescribed by the California Government Code are limited in nature, and the City Council believed that with city staff handling the day-to-day treasury functions, the position should be that of a part-time oversight treasurer.

            The treasurer will have an office in the Finance Department but will not have to maintain regular office hours or even attend City Council meetings unless necessary.

            But he or she would be expected to meet with the finance staff and other city officials regularly to review investment decisions for conformance with the city’s investment policy, which is a formal policy approved by the City Council. The treasurer could recommend to the City Council that changes be made in the policy, but they could only be implemented after approval by the council.

            The treasurer will be paid $500 a month, the same salary that City Council members receive. The position will not quality for any city employment benefits. Candidates must be registered to vote within Redlands city limits at the time nomination papers are filed.

            This model for the treasurer’s office, with some variations, is in place in many cities in the Inland Empire ranging in size fromBeaumont to San Bernardino and also including Banning, Colton, Fontana, Corona, Ontario, Rialto, Upland, Rancho Cucamonga, Lake Elsinore and Barstow.

            The City Council also considered a full-time treasurer position, but determined that the cost of such a system would be much more expensive than the present system, which is now $222,000 a year less expensive than was budgeted in 2007 when a full-time elected treasurer was in office.

            For more information about the elected city treasurer position, call city Public Information Officer Carl Baker at 909 798-7633.  For information about filing for election, call City Clerk Sam Irwin at 909 798-7531.  Filing of nomination papers begins on July 16 and continues through Aug. 10.


July 2012 – Time Warner pulls the plug on Redlands Chamber “LIVE”

         After twenty years on the air the live cable TV auction presented by Redlands Chamber of Commerce has come to an end. The news came from Time Warner Cable when they just announced to the Chamber that because of policy they would no longer transmit the show. It was explained that the cable company does not provide the service for any other organization in any other community in the State and therefore will no longer be providing it for the Redlands Chamber, and so after two decades the partnership is terminated.

            “It’s disappointing”. Said Kathie Thurston, Executive Director of the Chamber, “This has been an extraordinary program that showcased the local businesses, served as a fundraiser for the Chamber and kicked off the holiday shopping season here locally. It was a fun project to produce and it brought out more than 100 volunteers every year that really enjoyed working on the event. The show will be missed by the viewers who not only enjoyed the program but were able to shop at home and get some pretty amazing bargains at the same time.”

            Over the years the live auction grew from six hours on the air to 12 hours broadcast over two nights, the weekend before Thanksgiving every year. It featured 45 business sponsors, and more than 300 items were auctioned all generously provided by local businesses. From coffee makers to children’s bikes, stunning jewelry to plumbing fixtures, they were up for bid and in every case the local businesses were touted proving that whatever was on the shopping list it could be purchased inRedlands.  

            “Not only did this program meet our mission but it helped up promote the Shop Redlands Campaign year after year.” said Chamber President Paul Barich. “It’s sad to see this chapter close.”

July 2012 – Chamber’s Shop Redlands program continues to grow

     The Redlands Chamber Shop Redlands program continues to grow as shoppers make their way to the Chamber office on the corner of Redlands Boulevard and Orange Street to turn in receipts for a chance to win $100 valued gifts each month.

        For years the Chamber has been encouraging local shoppers to think about purchasing products locally and using local services whenever possible, explaining that a portion of the tax paid for either goes to the city’s general fund to help pay for city services.

        “When we all shop inRedlands we help pay for our police and fire services.” said Chamber President, Paul Barich. “We help underwrite the cost of park maintainance, street repair, trash pick-up, graffiti removal and so much more. When we purchase outside of the city we are supporting services else where.”

        To help remind shoppers the Chamber recently had posters printed and will be distributing them to local vendors encouraging them to post them in store fronts, on counters on bulletin boards anywhere the public might see them reminding them of the campaign and the importance of spending dollars locally.

        Each month the Chamber offer a prize valued at $100 sponsored by a Chamber member. Shoppers are encouraged to bring original receipts from Redlands businesses showing purchases of $25 or more to the Chamber office. The date on the receipt must reflect the date of the month of the drawing.  The receipts are signed by the Chamber staff and exchanged for a ticket… the customer fills out their phone number and the ticket is placed in a bowl to be a part of the month end drawing. If the receipt is from a Chamber member the customer gets two tickets (Chamber members can be found on the Chamber’s website).

        At the end of the month a drawing takes place for the $100 prize. The winner is announced on the Chamber’s website, in an email blast and in the Redlands Quarterly Magazine Chamber page. The winner has 48 hours to redeem the prize. If the prize is not redeemed within 48 hours a second drawing will take place.

        “We started the program in January and each month more and more people hear about it and are playing.” reported Barich. “We have given away $100 Visa and Master Card gift cards, $100 gas cards, restaurant gift certificates, jewelry gift certificates, fabulous prizes. It’s been great fun and we hope a great incentive for people to think Redlands first, when shopping.”

        Before you make a purchase ask yourself if you could buy local first. Your business is appreciated locally!


July 2012 – Plan to finance solar and energy efficiency ramps up

In a move to help local business owners save money on their utility bills, the City Council in March approved a Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing program administered by Figtree Energy Resource Company (Figtree). The PACE program will provide commercial property owners upfront financing for energy and water efficiency building upgrades and renewable energy systems.
Figtree’s unique PACE program unlocks the multi-billion dollar market for energy-efficiency with flexible financing terms that empower property owners to work with local contractors to improve commercial buildings. Energy improvements can transform existing energy expenses into thousands of dollars of positive cash flow each year, as the cost of financing is often lower than the amount of money saved on energy. As a result, PACE financing stimulates local economies and creates local jobs while reducing greenhouse gas emissions for the benefit of all Californians.
Redlands is participating in this effort with other California cities and counties to remove cost and technical barriers to going green. Property owners qualify for long-term financing based on the value of their property and the land-secured PACE structure eliminates the need for personal guarantees. The fixed-rate financing requires no money down and no minimum credit score. Plus, the balance is transferable if the property is sold before the PACE financing is paid off – so the current owner pays only for the benefits s/he receives.
Participating property owners will pay back their financing through a voluntary assessment on their property tax bill for up to 20 years. Although the billing mechanism is the property tax bill, the program does not rely on public funds or increased taxes.
PACE funds can be used only for materials and labor costs of permanently installed improvements, such as high-efficiency lighting, heating and air conditioning, windows, reflective roofing, plumbing fixtures, water treatment equipment, solar panels, and many more, that will reduce the building’s use of grid-supplied energy or water.
“It’s good to offer this ability for residents and local businesses to become more energy efficient,” said Redlands Mayor Pete Aguilar. “It’s good for our local economy and it’s good for our sustainability practices.”
About Figtree
Figtree Energy Resource Company is committed to making financial sense of the clean energy movement.  An extensive background in finance and built environments enabled Figtree to develop Figtree PACE, a privately-financed municipal program that addresses a gap in traditional financing to bring energy and water efficiency improvements within reach for virtually any commercial property owner. This popular financing program has been successfully launched and is now expanding to a growing list of participating cities and counties throughout California.
Additional information is available at or by calling 877-577-7373.

July 2012 – The Perrie Mundy Group specializing in Redlands Estate and Cottage properties

     Within this wonderful bedroom community of Redlands and the ever changing market, Perrie Mundy continues to remain on top. She has been a real estate broker representing buyers and sellers for over 35 years with unparalleled local market expertise and business negotiation skills. After owning her own Real Estate firm Perrie realized her greatest joy was personal interaction with her clients who become “family” for a steadfast referral base. Her passion for real estate is part of her soul, continually going the extra mile. Her enthusiasm is always positive. Her staff is highly, trained, motivated, committed and always available.

        Perrie’s highest priority is customer service and the satisfaction of her clients. For maximum clientele exposure she consistently maintains sensational advertising.

        Perrie has been affiliated with R/Max Advantage for 13 years as an independent broker. Ranked consistently with Re/Max Advantage in the top 1% both national and internationally for product achievement, Perrie recently received theRe/Max International Circleof Legends Award, the highest honor given by Re/Max. Recently certified for the Luxury Home Market and DRS Agent this outstanding accomplishment earned through knowledge, experience and providing total quality service always.

        Perrie Mundy believes in every economic downturn there are golden opportunities and she wants to help you find yours. Call Perrie at the Perry Mundy Group to handle your real estate needs with the utmost respect and confidentiality. The office is located in a 100 year old Victorian building at214 East Olive Ave., call Perrie at 307-0616 or visit the website at


JULY 2012 – New Chamber Members in June

Cassandra Berk
19 E. Citrus Avenue, Suite 105
Redlands,CA 92373
Phone:  307-3751
Web Site:
Lee Durkeshire
1001 Park Avenue
Redlands,CA 92373
Phone:  792-3235        Fax:  792-3427
Web Site:
Vangie Bravo
105 Terracina Blvd      
Redlands,CA 92373
Phone:  793-2271        Fax:  792-6477
Web Site:
Chris Pohren
1630W. Redlands Blvd, Suite E
Redlands,CA 92373
Phone:  793-1996        Fax:  798-7778
Web Site:
Penny Radtke
710 Church Street
Redlands,CA 92374
Phone:  798-0823        Fax:  798-8071
Web Site:
Ehsan Tabatabaei
402 E. Redlands Blvd
Redlands,CA 92373
Phone:  798-9335        Fax:  798-8941
Michele Neilsen
2024 Orange Tree Lane
Redlands,CA 92374
Phone:  307-2669        Fax:  307-0539
Web Site:

July 2012 – Chamber members renewing in June

Lee Durkeshire
1001 Park Avenue
Redlands,CA 92373
Phone:  792-3235
Melinda Corral
932W. Cypress Avenue
Redlands,CA 92373
Phone:  793-8822
Joan Benson
1998 Orange Tree Lane
Redlands,CA 92374
Phone:  737-7991
John Sharp
1120W. Redlands Blvd
Redlands,CA 92373
Phone:  793-3442
Kelly Griswold
10020 Alabama Street
Redlands,CA 92374
Phone:  307-2913
Tracy Clark
11235Mt.View Avenue
Loma Linda,CA 92354
Phone:  478-7714
Karen Moreno
301 E. Cypress Avenue
Redlands,CA 92373
Phone:  798-1862
Oscar Herrera
Redlands,CA 92374
Phone:  528-9360
Pamela Vengarick
1675 Industrial Park Avenue
Redlands,CA 92374
Phone:  793-3723
Gregory Brittain
707 Brookside Avenue
Redlands,CA 92373
Phone:  335-7335
Mary Bohen
1003 East Brier Drive, Suite 120
San Bernardino,CA 92408
Phone:  824-2000
1782 Orange Tree Lane
Redlands,CA 92374
Phone:  307-8220
J. Byron Streifling
1901 Orange Tree Lane, Suite 230C
Redlands,CA 92374
Phone:  792-1023
Mike Lunderville
1351 Park Avenue #102
Redlands,CA 92375
Phone:  335-0400
Karen Hirsch
1209 Nevada Street, Suite 200
Redlands,CA 92374
Phone:  793-1500
Rick Pence
P. O. Box7550
Redlands,CA 92375
Phone:  335-0423
Jessie Powell
P. O. Box8847
Redlands,CA 92375
Phone:  885-7721
Larry LaRock
1425 W. Lugonia Avneue S-102
Redlands,CA 92374
Phone:  793-5333
George Morrison
10756 Nevada Street
Redlands,CA 92373
Phone:  798-2204
Cliff Cabanilla
P. O. Box1163
Redlands,CA 92373
Phone:  792-0688
Russ Huston
312 Brookside Avenue
Redlands,CA 92373
Phone:  793-2748
Stephanie Torres
1200 California Street, Suite 260
Redlands,CA 92374
Phone:  435-0230
Stephanie Tickemyer
226 Nordina Street
Redlands,CA 92373
Phone:  793-3563
Shawn Smigel
700 E. Redlands Blvd #222
Redlands,CA 92373
Phone:  307-1007
SUBWAY #23694
Ajay Gandhi
1971W. Redlands Blvd, Suite D
Redlands,CA 92373
Phone:  793-4550
Ed Ferguson
1631W. Redlands Blvd
Redlands,CA 92373
Phone:  793-1639
1200 E. Colton Avenue
Redlands,CA 92374
Phone:  748-8060