JAN 2014 – MEMBER PROFILE – Visiting Angels Providing Living Assistance Services

Since 1998, Visiting Angels has been providing elder care services to families across the United States and Canada. Their network of elder care agencies is committed to providing families with the best possible in-home care services. Their commitment to you is simple, they help your loved one continue to live at home and they help you find peace of mind.

At Visiting Angels they understand you want top quality elder care services for your loved one. You are searching for a qualified professional elder care provider who will treat you family member with compassion, respect and dignity. They can help you find the elder care provided that meets all your needs. Their homecare providers are experienced professionals with the training and expertise you have been search for. They will help you find an elder care provider who can care for all you loved one’s health and well-being needs.

When you trust Visiting Angels to provide elder care services for your family, it’s with the understanding that all your loved one’s needs will be met. The expertise of their providers makes it possible to provide a wide range of in home care services. Visiting Angels can meet both temporary and long term needs. Elder care providers can offer hourly care, overnight care and live-in care.

Visiting Angels elder care services incorporate what are commonly known as daily living activities. The service coordinators will create a personalized care plan for your loved one and offer families with respite care, friendly companionship, personal care, hygiene assistance, meal planning and preparations, light housekeeping, laundry assistance, medication reminders and assistance running errands. With your personal care plan you can customize the services to meet your needs.

No matter the type of elder care services they provide you can count on their commitment to you remaining the same. They will provide top quality care that enables your loved ones to maintain their independence and dignity. Their professional, compassionate caregivers will work closely with your loved ones so they can continue living at home and enjoy the lifestyle that makes them happy.

Give your loved one the gift of quality care in familiar surroundings. Give them the gift of Visiting Angels.

You can contact the local Visiting Angels at 330 6th Street Suite 201 in Redlands or call them at 793-7788.

DEC 2013 – Krikorian Discounted Movie Tickets Available At Chamber Office

As the cost of just about everything continues to rise, one of the added values of Chamber membership is the ability to escape into the world of movie magic at discounted prices. In partnership with Krikorian Theatres the Redlands Chamber offers discounted tickets to members providing substantial savings when it’s time to go to the movies.

Whether the tickets are used for personal enjoyment or as an incentive for customers or employees, they are a terrific reward for a job well done or a gift for customer loyalty.

Tickets are available at the Chamber office for members only during normal office hours, Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM (closed 12 –1). Each ticket is $8.00 each (Cash or Check Only Please). For large orders call in advance to insure there are adequate tickets available. (909) 793-2546

Discounted movie tickets; another benefit of chamber membership!!

DEC 2013 – City News by Council Member Bob Gardner

At last month’s Coffee with the Council event a business owner asked me a reasonable question.  He asked why selected business and other fees had been increased.  He specifically wanted to know what additional work or other changes had occurred in the city’s responsibilities that created the need for the increases.   Together with Mayor Pro Tem Paul Foster I answered this question based on our general knowledge of the city’s current fees.   I have summarized that answer here for the benefit of other business owners who may have similar concerns.

The primary reason many Redlands fees (not just business) have been increased is because in the past we have not been collecting sufficient revenues to cover the costs of the services provided.   It’s important to stop here and note the philosophy behind charging a fee is that the city must regulate certain activities and charges fees to cover the costs for this work.   Fees result in the purchase of a privilege or authorization and are applied to such activities as inspections, building permits, or various licenses.

But back to the point about why fees were increased.   A study of the current Redlands city fees, to update the previous study completed in November 2006,  was begun  in the latter part of Fiscal Year 2010-2011 and approved in November 2012.  This study showed the current fees in many cases did not come close to covering the costs of the service provided.   This means the average Redlands taxpayer was subsidizing those who received inspections, permits, licenses, or other privileges.   In my mind this is not fair.   Taxes should go for city activities and services that most residents receive or enjoy.  Those who receive specific benefits should pay the full costs for the city’s work to get this work done.     There are some exceptions; for example, we do not recover the full cost of recreation programs or bike licenses in an effort to make them more attractive to residents.

So the City Council increased fees for many services, some substantially.  Where that was the case, we phased it in over two or three years to lessen the impact.   Other reasons for higher fees could be new Federal or State mandated regulation which creates additional workload, or inflationary increases.   The biggest reason for the recent increases was the above noted lack of increases over the past several years, which created a major gap in the revenue generated to cover the full costs of the work required to provide services.   One might say the increases were aimed at ensuring a more equitable revenue generation approach for the city based on who receives the primary benefits.

I hope this helps a bit in explaining the recent fee increases.

DEC 2013 – The Racers Are Coming

If Paul Revere were with us today the call would ring out…. “The runners are coming … the runners are coming !!!!, On Saturday, December 14th, for the Redlands Chamber Night Light Run! The streets will be aglow with neon bright runners, walkers, strollers and stragglers taking on the 5k challenge as they snake their way through the streets of Redlands.

Starting at the south side of the Redlands Mall the sights and sounds of the light show will electrify the runners as they gear up for the 6PM race start that will head down 4th Street through the course that will bring them right back to the Mall!

Races will get a cool race shirt, glow accessories, race bib and bragging rights that they were at the first ever Night Light Run in Redlands!

After the run athletes and spectators can find their way to local restaurants, watering holes and businesses where they can take advantage of glow in the dark specials, revel in the victory of completing their first ever 5K in the dark race and just enjoy the holiday season in downtown Redlands.

Race registration is simple and still discounted online at Redlandschambernightlightrun.com or you can visit the Chamber office, 1 E. Redlands Blvd., to pick up registration forms.

Remember what Revere said ….”By Land or sea by town to night that race by glow light….. totally fun for sure I’m right!!!!!!!”…..or something like that!

DEC 2013 – President Elect Bonney announces nomination of director

President Elect, Geoff Bonney, Bonney Architects, announces the nomination of Greg Brittain to serve a second three year term on the Board of Directors.  “Brittain completed his first three year term and was invited back as he often offers a different point of view at the table; stimulates the conversation and has been a great supporter of the Chamber.” said Bonney.

Over the years, Brittain has served on the Government Review Committee, and is a member of the Presidents Circle.

The organizations’ Bylaws provide for additional nominees by petition signed by 20 members in good standing. Petitions must be filed at the Chamber office fifteen days after public notification, a general election will follow.


DEC 2013 – Chamber announces officers for 2014

One hundred and twenty years ago Redlands business leaders joined forces at the Board of Trade and set a path for a strong, healthy, and prosperous business community and today’s business leaders are still at it. The Redlands Chamber of Commerce still provides a service for local business and professional men and women looking to improve their business and build a better community.

To assist in directing the organization to accomplish the mission to serve its members to act as an advocate of business throughout the greater Redlands area, the President Elect enlists the help of a cabinet of officers. This year those officers willing to give of their time and talent include; Jennifer Dobb, University of Redlands, President Elect, Alan Ricard, ISU Barich Insurance Agency, Treasurer, Jill Riley, Citrus Valley Plumbing, and Daney Bachiu, Redlands Blue Print and Commercial Printing.

DEC 2013 – Chamber encourage shopping in Redlands during holiday season

Keeping tax dollars in town is an important part of the equation when talking about the city’s financial well-being, but more importantly shopping locally supports the local businesses, helps retain jobs, and circulates dollars in the community.

Small businesses employ local people. They support local charities and offer personal services. Local businesses patronizes local businesses, they join  local service clubs and support local athletic programs.

You really can find almost anything you need here in Redlands.

We have:

Retail and wholesale

Restaurants and caterers

Printers, writers and designers

Gift shops, ice cream and toy stores

Bike shops and car dealers

Home improvement stores and maintenance servers

Photographers, artisans and musicians

Pet stores and services

Gourmet food and wine

Personal and professional services

So before you make a purchase ask yourself if you can Shop Redlands first.

DEC 2013 – Chamber announces Installation Dinner and Awards Ceremony

The Redlands Chamber of Commerce will present new directors and welcome new officers to the organization, Wednesday, January 29. 2014, 6:00 PM at the Casa Loma Room, at the University of Redlands

Immediately following the installation of directors and officers, guests will be treated to the announcement of the prestigious Man and Woman of the Year Awards and Police and Firefighter of the Year Awards. Each year those receiving the awards will join the ranks of extraordinary men and women who have gone before them and given generously of their time and talent to make Redlands a better place. The announcement of the winners of these esteemed awards are highly anticipated every year and kept secret until the night of the ceremony creating an air of excitement each year.

Tickets to the event are limited and reservations are necessary, $50 per person. To make your reservations or for more information about the event call the chamber office at 793-2546.

DEC 2013 – President’s Article by Daney Bachiu

I was talking to Kathie last weekend.  We were discussing the Chamber Night Light Run and she happened to mention that that was the weekend we would have been doing Chamber Live Auction. Wow!  I remember when that brilliant idea came about.  I was at the beach doing my annual retreat from everything vacation.  I hadn’t heard anything about the auction, didn’t know anything about the auction, but upon my return, I already had an auction job to do.  That’s Kathie Thurston for you …….can never say no to that woman.

Now here we are two weeks out from our newest fun fundraiser, The Chamber Night Light Run, and experiencing the virginal, first time jitters that precede any large project.  So many questions racing through our minds will enough people sign up, did we anticipate all the glitches, did we order enough T-shirts  or too many?  I guess we will have all those answers on December 15. I am praying for a spectacular success. Please support this, our major fundraiser of the year, by signing up to walk and have a lot of fun. If you can’t enter the event, tell as many people as you can about it so they can enter. If you can’t do either of these things, at least come down to the race course and cheer on the glowing group of run/walkers and enjoy the sights and sounds of the light show and the start/finish line at the Redlands Mall.

Well, fellow chamber members, this is my last message as your President/Queen of the Chamber. I cannot believe how fast this year has gone.  True to Kathie’s prediction, it was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be; and now I am reassuring incoming President, Geoff Bonney that it will not be as bad as he thinks it will be.

We are at the apex of the roller coaster called Christmas Season, or Holiday Season or just The Season. Whatever you call it, we will now be flying through all the events, parties, get-togethers, services, pageants that are crammed into the last month of the year.  Next weekend is the University of Redlands Feast of Lights, the Redlands Kiwanis Christmas Parade and the YMCA Home Tour and Boutique. The following weekend is our SPECTACULAR CHAMBER NIGHT LIGHT RUN and two or three other events that I am not aware of.  In between all these goings on, there is Christmas shopping and packages to mail, cookie baking and cookie exchanges,   cards to write and send, trees to pick and decorate, presents to wrap and exchange, houses to clean and decorate,  carols to sing or listen to.  Whew! I am tired just writing about it all.

It has been an honor to serve as your President this past year. I wish you all a very Happy and Peaceful Christmas and all God’s blessings to you in 2014.


DEC 2013 – Member Profile – Collector Galleries

Collector Galleries, the oldest coin and stamp retailer in the country

Located at 21 E. Redlands Blvd. Collector Galleries has been serving the world of collector for decades. The store is open Monday through Friday 10 AM to 5 PM, Saturday 10 AM to 4 PM, Thursday Night Auctions are held 4 PM to 7 PM.

The name of Coops in collecting circles goes back nearly 100 years to 1907 when Fred W. Coops, Sr. at age 13, founded the Royale Stamp Company in Taunton, MA. It was a mail-order business that he could operate when he wasn’t working for his father, Charles, who was in the music business and manufactured pianos. His main vocation became the piano business, but the stamp company grew as well. As Fred married and had a family of his own, the piano company moved first to Tacoma, WA and subsequently to South Pasadena, CA.

Fred W. Coops, Jr. was born in South Pasadena in 1918 and grew up closely associated not only with pianos but stamps as his dad’s mail order flourished. Unfortunately though, the piano business he had been prepared to enter failed early in the Depression and father and son were faced with unemployment. Fred, Jr. graduated from high school in 1935 and in that same year both he and his father opened the stamp stores, but in different locations: Sr. in Pasadena on South Raymond and Jr. in San Bernardino.

The early years were difficult for Fred, Jr. but he stuck with it and the business grew. Except for a few years during the war when relatives ran his store while he was in the Army Air Corps, Fred operated his company continuously from 1935 until his death in January 1992. Coins and paper money were added to be the larger part of the business.

Fred occupied several locations in San Bernardino: on Third Street; on Fourth Street; on D Street; at 457 North E Street; and in Carousel Mall, and finally to its current location on Redlands Boulevard. By the mid-1960’s Fred realized the need for more employees and it was at this time that John Dudding (1964) and Randy Briggs (1966) entered the business.

After growing and serving customers for decades Randy and John relocated Collector Galleries to Redlands, CA where the store has flourished. Collector Galleries has been able to adapt to the current times and find a place in any market. They are proud to be able to continue the tradition of the OLDEST coin and stamp retailer in the country under the same ownership.

After being in business since 1935 they have a large inventory of coins, stamps, currency and exonumia. While they will continue to increase the products available online, it cannot compare to the vast inventory they keep at their retail store.

Today Randy and John are joined by Randy’s son Jonathan Briggs, and Brian Jensen bringing the next generation of expertise and knowledge to the store.

Collector Galleries buy all sorts of things! If it has something to do with money or local history, bring it in. Customers are so often amazed at what they find to buy and what they can get from it. Since condition means so much in the industry, they would request that you don’t clean anything, don’t fold anything, but instead leave it in its original state. Sometimes color on a coin can mean EXTRA value!

No matter how many pieces you have, we are happy to purchase any gold, silver and platinum bullion. They base their prices on the current spot market and stay very competitive even with the larger advertising corporations.

The knowledgeable staff at Collectable Galleries will evaluate, test and buy any gold, silver and platinum jewelry. It’s amazing to see how quickly scrap pieces add up to large sums of money. Customers continually remark that they pay more than anyone else in the area.  It is their goal to be as honest and fair as they can be when it comes to your jewelry. They can even refer you to several local sources in case your jewelry contains stones that may also have value.

Whether you have a large collection or bits and pieces, they will be happy to take a look at your coins form the US and around the world and make an offer on what you have to sell. No appointment is necessary

Stamp collecting is still the #1 hobby in the world and the experts at Collector Galleries see a great deal of stamp collections come through our doors. US and foreign collections are welcome.

Large size US currency, (paper money) small size and foreign currency are all items they buy. Bring in anything you have, and try not to fold it first as condition means a lot!

For more information about the Collector Galleries or to learn more about your collection stop by the store or call the experts at 909 792-2511 or log on to the website at www.coopscoins.com