JULY 2014 – Chamber Members Renewing June 2014

Joan Benson
1998 Orange Tree Lane
Redlands, CA  92374
Phone:  437-7991
Tracy Clark
11235 Mt. View Avenue
Loma Linda, CA  92354
Phone:  478-7714
Randy Briggs
21 E. Redlands Blvd
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  792-2511
Everett Thompson
200 E. Citrus Avenue
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  307-8100
Jim Nolin
384 Los Robles Crest
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  792-9595
Accounts Payable
703 Brookside Avenue
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  793-2316
Knea Hawley
1751 Plum Lane
Redlands, CA  92374
Phone:  748-7223
707 Brookside Avenue
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  335-7335
Chris Falcioni
25072Redlands Blvd
Loma Linda, CA  92354
Phone:  796-1600
Nick Chudasama
2025 W. Park Avenue #8
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  307-1300
Jim Walling
P. O. Box 495
Loma Linda, CA  92354
Phone:  437-3194
Dick Shalhuob
612 E. Redlands Blvd
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  793-1516
Milt Minor
405 E. Citrus Avenue
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  793-8117
Kelley Bowden
3520 E. Washington Street
Colton, CA  92324
Phone:  825-3024
Maura Joyce
1890 Orange Avenue
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  793-6989
Eliane Van Horn
P. O. Box 1294
Yucaipa, CA  92399
Phone:  797-5338
David Page
Yucaipa, CA  92399
Phone:  556-3270
Jessie Powell
447 Missouri Court
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  885-7721
George Poli
2054 W. Redlands Blvd, Suite E-1
Redlands, CA 92373
Phone:  793-8393
Chief Mark Garcia
P. O. Box 1025
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  335-4744
George Morrison
10756 Nevada Street
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  798-2204
Beth Sanders
201 E. State Street
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  793-3355
Arturo Silva
110 W. Redlands Blvd
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  792-3579
Todd Warden
21865 Copley Drive
Diamond Bar, CA  91765
Phone:  396-3370
Shawn Burch
15 So. 5th Street
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  798-7490
Harry Hylkema
520 E. Stuart
Redlands, CA  92374
Phone:  792-3681
Ellen Timothy
1205 E. Crescent Avenue
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  793-5251


JULY 2014 – New Chamber Members June 2014

Tabitha White
278 Tennessee Street #6
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  798-3222
Matt Leeds
19 E. Citrus Avenue #201
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  748-1525
Lalita Bakshi
31587 Alta Vista Drive
Redlands, CA  92373
Phone:  794-8530
JoAnn Sanchez
104 E. State Street, Suite G
Redlands, CA  92373
Angelina Bodine
P. O. Box 9731
Redlands, CA  92375
Phone:  951-216-1900

JUNE 2014 – President’s Article by Geoff Bonney

President Geoff Bonney The Redlands Chamber of Commerce Government Review Committee is constantly on the lookout for legislation that will have a negative impact on the business community.  Once again another bill as come along that creates more problems than it solves – California Assembly Bill 2416.  Thank you Jan Hudson of Hudson Realty for bringing this one to our attention.

AB 2416, titled as the California Wage Theft Prevention Act, is intended to give employees an additional mechanism to recover unpaid wages.  It allows an employee to file a lien on property where they provided their services for the amount of the unpaid wages.  The problem is the legislation bypasses normal due process procedures, and can victimize parties having no control over wage dispute.

Here are some of the problems with the current version of the bill:

  • Proof of wrongdoing by the employer is not required to file the lien
  • The lien is filed against the property owner, even if the property owner is not the employer.
  • The lien can apply even if there is not a formal agreement between the employer and employee.

For example, should this legislation pass a building owner could have a lien placed on their property by an employee of a building tenant, or even by the employee of a subcontractor that was hired by the tenant to perform work on the tenant space.  And since there is not a requirement for a formal work agreement, there is potential for abuse.  Someone could come onto a property and perform maintenance service without being asked.  They could then claim that the services were requested by a building tenant, and file a lien against the building owner for lack of payment.  In another situation, a contractor remodeling a home could hire a day laborer for some hourly work and not pay them.  The homeowner would then find a lien placed on their property, possibly after the work was completed and they had paid the contractor in full.

Another side effect is the impact a lien can have on the owner’s operations.  I this tight credit market a lien, even an unjustified one, can have a dramatic negative impact for someone trying to refinance to obtain a line of credit.  While on the other side the penalty for filing an unjustified lien is up to $1,000 towards legal expenses.

California already has processes to resolve unpaid wage disputes.  The last thing we need right now is more legislation to drive business out of the state.  And the scary part is this bill is moving fast.  It has already passed the Assembly on a party line vote, and is on its way to the Senate.  The Redlands Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors has taken a position opposing this bill, and written a letter to our State Senator Mike Morrell stating such.  But given the ease this moved out of committee and through the Assembly, it appears it is on path for approval.

Senator Mike Morrell already opposes the bill, but letters of opposition from you will give him ammunition to help plead his case.  In addition, any contacts you can rouse from other Senate districts will help.  The more voices the better.  Contact the Chamber if you would like a sample letter to send.

JUNE 2014 – Chamber Helps to Refine Alcohol Deemed Approved Ordinance

1 Alcohol ordianceAt a recent Board of Directors meeting, Police Chief Mark Garcia, Commander Chris Catren and Development Department representative, Sean Keleher presented an overview of the proposed Alcohol Deemed Approved Ordinance to the Board of Directors. The ordinance would apply to all new businesses that sell alcohol on or off site and require a CUP that would have performance criteria attached.  Chief Garcia explained that the ordinance would exclude restaurants.  Through the permitting process a formula would be applied that differentiates between bar/restaurant.  The issuance and maintenance of a CUP would depend on compliance of all alcohol related legal requirements.  All existing businesses that sell alcohol would be identified as Deemed Approved.

Commander Catren suggested that the ordinance would be used as an additional tool to maintain compliance in troubled areas.

The original draft of the Ordinance implied that an annual fee could be assessed to all alcohol related businesses, new and old.   When asked what the fees would be Garcia indicated that there would be no additional fees for/to the police department however, there could be fees charged to the program by other city departments including Development Department and Quality of Life. Keleher noted that the ordinance read “fees may be assigned”. No equation or estimate of fees was available.

Catren reported that each new application for businesses selling alcohol would be considered by the Planning Commission and conditions would be applied accordingly and individually. He also indicated that both new and Deemed Approved businesses owners and employees would have to go through the already existing service training program.

While the Chamber’s Board of Directors saw the benefit of the ordinance with respect to maintaining a continued safe environment for residents and visitors alike, they determined that because in its presented form, the ordinance alluded to fees but did not clearly define them further clarity was needed. Chamber President, Geoff Bonney, sent a letter to the Mayor and Council Member noting that transparency in all decisions made has been the mantra of elected officials and city staff but in this particular case the ordinance fell short of that promise.  In the letter the Board of Directors urged the Council to delay a decision until the issue of fees be resolved.

Before the ordinance was presented to the Council May 6th ,for their consideration,  it was refined and any suggestion of fee had been removed.

During the Council discussion, a number of existing bar and restaurant owners addressed the panel to voice their concerns with particular attention to the implication of possibly requesting internal security cameras feeding directly to the police department. While many suggested that they already have cameras surveying the exterior of their businesses the thought of internal camera was disconcerting.

Council directed city staff to meet with the business owners, managers and chamber representatives before any action was taken.  The item was tabled for later consideration.


JUNE 2014 – Chamber to present Annual State of the Community luncheon in July

2  community lunchThe Redlands Chamber of Commerce will present the Annual State of the Community Luncheon Thursday, July 17, 2014 12 Noon at the Casa Loma Room, University of Redlands, check-in begins at 11:30 AM

Mayor Pete Aguilar will address the community, explain the budget and share plans for the future as well as take questions from the floor.

“This event is an excellent opportunity for our Mayor to meet with the citizens and business leaders of Redlands. It will give him and an opportunity to share both the immediate and long term vision for the city.” Said Geoff Bonney, Chamber President. “We are delighted to once again present the annual event that provides a venue allowing our elected officials an opportunity to meet the business community out side the confines of City Hall, to learn firsthand what lays ahead, what plans and vision Council has for the future of Redlands and the business community.”

The cost of the luncheon is $35 per person, reservations are required.

For more information about the State of the Community Luncheon or to make reservations, call 793-2546.




JUNE 2014 – The Chamber, you get out of it what you put into it

3 Chamber you get outThe chamber of commerce is a great place for anyone looking to make local connections and promote their business. But it’s more than just writing the check. It requires being involved and being proactive, taking advantage of your membership. It takes time, something small business owners often lacking. But the result of not investing your time and effort is often a disappointing chamber experience.

Here are a few ways you can get the most out of your chamber of commerce membership:

1. Go to Events. This is a great time for you to go and meet new people who are just like you. They are at the chamber to network, meet new people, and grow their business. You’re all tied together by a common theme, improving the local business climate. Going to events regularly will allow you to develop relationships with people and become familiar with other members. It will also allow other members to become familiar with who you are and what your business is, what product or service you provide. We are all more likely to recommend a fellow chamber member when someone asks for a referral because we know them.

2. Join a Committee. Chambers are run by members who volunteer to help out. Committees or the board of directors is a great way to get involved. Join a committee that you are interested in or have expertise in or have a passion for. Chamber events require committees of people with a variety of skills or interests, so be proactive, join and develop relationships with new people while working together to achieve a common goal.

3. Take Advantage of Offers. At the Redlands Chamber we can help members by offering reserved e-mail blasts, sharing info via social media, offering advertising and marketing opportunities, sponsorships and promotions. The catch is to reach out to tell the chamber what you want. It’s important to let the chamber know whatever you want to share. This is where proactive comes into play.

4. Connect Socially. When making connections through your chamber it’s important to follow up to help develop your relationship. Previously it’s was common to send an e-mail after an initial contact or meeting. Now you can connect on LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ or Facebook to learn more about the person you connected with and their business. Go the extra mile and share their content, they will likely return the favor. Social media, like the chamber of commerce, is about developing relationships. Use it to enhance your chamber experience while in between events or committee meetings. It’s a great way to stay in touch.

5. Follow Up. Following up with people is often overlooked. You have met them at the monthly event and connected socially, but what about a follow up meeting? Invite your new connections out for a cup of coffee or lunch. This will help you get to know them and their business better while providing an opportunity to share more information about your business. It doesn’t stop at meeting people and connecting socially, follow up and solidify your relationships.

The chamber of commerce is a must for any local business looking to grow. It helps the community and helps you make connections that can grow your business. The formula is simple: you get out of it what you put into it. If you make the effort, the chamber of commerce can be a rewarding experience both personally and professionally.

JUNE 2014 – Blossom Grove to Host Business After Hours

Bl4  blossom groveossom Grove Alzheimer’s Special Care Center will host a Chamber Business After Hours, Thursday, June 19th, 5 to 7 PM, 11116 New Jersey Street, Redlands.

Each Quarter the Chamber selects a member to host a Business After Hours program, bringing together members to network, share and grow in an engaging environment that fuels business connections. The host business also has an opportunity to showcase their facility, products and services.

Blossom Grove is Redlands newest assisted living center, specializing in Alzheimer’s disease and related type dementias.  At Blossom Grove- the care staff understands how challenging caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s and other related dementias can be.

A member of the JEA Senior Living family of centers, Blossom Grove offers a compassionate design combining assisted living with dementia care. The Blossom Grove model incorporates each individual resident’s unique life story into its memory care design. Utilizing their distinctive “Meaningful Moments®” approach, the Blossom Grove team provides a warm and meaningful assisted living environment.

Admission to Business After Hours is $5.00 per person for Chamber Members and $10 for non members,  reservations are needed.  Come prepared to network, enjoy good friends and food and make important connections. Call the Chamber office to make your reservations 793-2546.


JUNE 2014 – Chamber Ribbon Cuttings

Let the Redlands Chamber of Commerce bring special attention to your Grand Opening by holding a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony using the Chamber’s Giant Scissors. Our Ribbon Cutting Ceremony package helps members get the word out about their openings, relocation, remodel, new executives etc. to other members and the community.

Package Includes:

  • Attendance from Chamber staff and/or Chamber ambassadors
  • Notification on Chamber’s website under “Chamber Calendar”
  • Announcement and photo in Chamber’s monthly E-Newsletter
  • Social media coverage, Facebook and Twitter

Contact Jan at info@redlandschamber.org to schedule your celebration.

JUNE 2014 – Member Profile – Pence Construction, Inc.

Pence Construction exceeding client expectations pence picture

Pence Construction is a general contracting firm that has constructed commercial and industrial buildings throughout Southern California. In the process, they have gained a reputation for innovation, quality, and performance.

Founded in 1989, Pence Construction has experienced continued growth over the years. Their professional services include complete construction, consulting, cost budgeting and estimating, scheduling, engineering, project management, coordination and construction.

Planning and executing new construction requires two valuable resources — time and money. Being a business owner in today’s economy means your time and money are at a premium. Pence Construction has construction services to save you both.

President, Rick Pence has more than 20 years’ experience in general contracting and more 13 years at the management level. He maintains contact with the client from the biding process to the final inspection of the project.

Pence Construction’s commitment to successful Concrete Tilt-up projects include innovated thinking and quality performance. They take pride in what they build, demanding superior performance and on-time completion of projects keeping within your budget.

Problem solving skills allows the Pence team to deal with any circumstance in the building process always searching for the best techniques for the most successful results.

With a bank of several medical related projects, Pence Construction has the tools, knowledge and resources to provide an efficient, quality construction, implementing the best techniques for x-ray, special plumbing and sanitary requirements. With expertise in SSHPOD and ADA standards Pence offers professional direction and guarantees a quality product.

Whether in need of a warehouse, a manufacturing facility, a shopping center, a specialty building, or an office complex, customers know that they can depend upon Pence Construction, Inc.

To learn more about the products and services offered at Pence Construction, Inc. visit them at 1423 W, Stuart St., call Rick at 909 335-0423 or email inquiries to rick@pencecontruction.com.


JUNE 2014 – Member Profile – Dr. Brenna Hamrick-Stotts

Dr. Bre7 Brenna Hamrick-stottsnna Hamrick-Stotts, creating beautiful smiles

Dr. Brenna Hamrick-Stotts offers a feminine touch to cosmetic dentistry. She has been creating beautiful smiles for over 20 years in Redlands and is proud to offer the latest in dental technology in a friendly, comfortable atmosphere. Dr. Stott’s and her experienced staff will provide you with the professional care and personal attention that you deserve while you relax in a massage chair!

The office is conveniently located at 1150 Brookside Ave. Suite T.

Ask Dr. Stotts about  No-Shot Laser Dentistry for those patients who want a gentle but effective dental treatment. They also offer Teeth Whitening and many general and cosmetic services at affordable prices.  Another great advantage in technology Dr. Stotts offers is Same Day Crowns, Veneers, and Fillings.

People who have lost one or more teeth may be candidates for dental implants, eliminating the need for Dr. Stotts is pleased to add this to her list of services.

Since 1988, Hamrick-Stotts has helped people rediscover the beauty of smiling. New treatments using lasers can effectively contour gingiva, treat periodontal diseases and set fillings.  Also, added this past year was computerized scanning and milling so that they can deliver same day crowns. “My patients are excited about benefiting from this new technology,” says Dr. Stotts.

There are many options to improve not only the appearance of your smile, but also the overall health of your mouth. Together, the team tries to come up with a plan that will give you the smile you desire with the help of gingival contouring, crowns, veneers, tooth colored fillings, implants, and even teeth whitening.

In Dr. Stotts office, dental care can be surprisingly comfortable and less intimidating due to new technologies and products using the latest in dental technology and materials designed with the comfort of the patient in mind. A spa-like atmosphere helps to make the appointment less stressful for you.  She believes in treating patients as family and delivers dental treatment in massage chairs to help relax those who are nervous about the dentist. 

Dr. Stotts offers services for general, cosmetic and laser dentistry with a feminine touch. Our computer imaging software can give you a preview of your new smile. You can also get an interesting and informative view your own mouth with our intra-oral camera pictures displayed on a flat screen television! Find out the many ways to achieve the smile you have always wanted.

Call Dr. Stotts today at 909 793-9711, to make an appointment and see how they can help you gain the healthy smile of your dreams!

You can also make an appointment on line at www.queenofteeth.com .