SEPT 2016 – The Chamber – You get out of it what you put into it

2  Chamber building pictureThe chamber of commerce is a great place for anyone looking to make local connections and promote their business. But it’s more than just writing the check. It requires being involved and being proactive, taking advantage of your membership. It takes time, something small business owners often lack. But the result of not investing your time and effort is often a disappointing chamber experience.

Here are a few ways you can get the most out of your chamber of commerce membership:

  1. Go to Events. This is a great time for you to go and meet new people who are just like you. They are at the chamber to network, meet new people, and grow their business. You’re all tied together by a common theme, improving the local business climate. Going to events regularly will allow you to develop relationships with people and become familiar with other members. It will also allow other members to become familiar with who you are and what your business is, what product or service you provide. We are all more likely to recommend a fellow chamber member when someone asks for a referral because we know them and have developed a relationship with them.
  2. Join a Committee. Chambers are run by members who volunteer to help out. Committees or the board of directors is a great way to get involved. Join a committee that you are interested in or have expertise in or have a passion for. Chamber events require committees of people with a variety of skills or interests, so be proactive, join and develop relationships with new people while working together to achieve a common goal.
  3. Take Advantage of Offers. At the Redlands Chamber we can help members by offering reserved e-mail blasts, sharing info via social media, offering advertising and marketing opportunities, sponsorships and promotions. The catch is to reach out to tell the chamber what you want. It’s important to let the chamber know whatever you want to share. This is where proactive comes into play.
  4. Connect Socially. When making connections through your chamber it’s important to follow up to help develop your relationship. Previously it’s was common to send an e-mail after an initial contact or meeting. Now you can connect on LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ or Facebook to learn more about the person you connected with and their business. Go the extra mile and share their content, they will likely return the favor. Social media, like the chamber of commerce, is about developing relationships. Use it to enhance your chamber experience while in between events or committee meetings. It’s a great way to stay in touch.
  5. Follow Up. Following up with people is often overlooked. You have met them at the monthly event and connected socially, but what about a follow up meeting? Invite your new connections out for a cup of coffee or lunch. This will help you get to know them and their business better while providing an opportunity to share more information about your business. It doesn’t stop at meeting people and connecting socially, follow up and solidify your relationships.

The chamber of commerce is a must for any local business looking to grow. It helps the community and helps you make connections that can grow your business. The formula is simple: you get out of it what you put into it. If you make the effort, the chamber of commerce can be a rewarding experience both personally and professionally….it’s not a membership…… it’s a partnership.

SEPT 2016 – Member Profile – Jan Marie Mobile Dental Hygiene

3 Member spotlight picture

Dental Hygiene for Homebound Patients

 Jan Marie is an RDHAP licensed by the State of California to provide preventative hygiene procedures on-site in adult and special needs day care facilities, skilled nursing facilities, and assisted living senior centers.

An RDHAP is a Registered Dental Hygienist in Alternative Practice. RDHAPs are dental professionals who meet the needs of an underserved population. They have their own independent business and travel to different settings rather than a dental office.  They provide specific preventative procedures such as:

Oral health screenings

Periodontal cleanings, prophylaxis

Patient oral hygiene instruction

Topical fluoride treatments

Referral and custom personalized recommendation

RDHAP can provide services to schools, clinics, skilled nursing facilities, private homes of the homebound. They use portable dental equipment to deliver dental treatment in the area where the patient is comfortable.  By minimizing anxiety and stress, they can provide procedures to improve the patient’s health and quality of life.  Research states that the whole body health has a direct relationship with periodontal and oral health.

Why Use an RDHAP?

Preventative dental care is important to avoid extensive dental treatment. Neglecting oral care can create financial and painful situations.  We work directly with your personal physician, dentist, nursing directors and staff to provide you the dental care you need.

To learn more about Jan Marie and the services provided, call 909 289-1241 log on to or email her at




SEPT 2016 – All six paws will hit the streets of Redlands this November

4  dog jog pictureRedlands Chamber presents the first ever, Dog Jog, Saturday, November 5th in downtown Redlands. It’s a 5k-ish course that ventures into the streets of Redlands. Runners and their furry friends will em”bark” onto the course trotting through the tree lined streets of Redlands on a closed course, beginning and ending in downtown.  Sponsored by Alta Vista Credit Union, All Four Paws Pet Care, Barich & Associates, Allstate Insurance – Todd Underwood, Mountain West Financial, Redlands Sewing Center and SCE the first of its kind in the city, the Redlands Chamber Dog Jog is a fun filled event for two and four legged members of every family looking for a unique Saturday morning event.

As part of the fun our two legged athletes will all receive an official Redlands Chamber Dog Jog T-shirt and our four legged competitors will each get a race bandana. At the finish line human joggers will be greeted with cookies and of course we can’t forget our pooch pals where milk bones will be waiting for them. An official finish line dog tag will be given to every team.

A portion of the proceeds will go to the Redlands Animal Shelter to assist in the ongoing rescue and adoption efforts.

Registration is now open both online at and at the Chamber office.

Join the hundreds of runners, walkers, strollers and stutters on November 5th at 8:00 AM.


SEPT 2016 – Smart Homes: Let your home do the thinking

5  energy upgrade blog5  euc logo

Kathie Thurston, Executive Director of the Redlands Chamber of Commerce. The mission of the Redlands Chamber of Commerce is to serve our members as an advocate of business throughout the greater Redlands area, at all levels of government, to create a business climate that will advance the economic, educational,

cultural and civic vitality of the Redlands Community.

Smart Homes: let your home do the thinking…

First there was the Smart Phone, a tiny little computer that you can hold in your hand and can search the internet, make and receive phone call, capture your emails and send instant important messages and photos to anyone you know and love (who also owns a smart phone). Then came the tablet; an even more sophisticated tool that allows you to carry your office, TV, movie-theater and concert hall with you wherever you go.

We learned and conquered the technology and now can’t leave home without them.

Now we can add Smart Homes to our inventory. At home or not little doubts crowd your brain, “Did I turn off the coffee maker, the iron, turn down the heat, set the alarm, lock the door, close the garage door…?” With a Smart Home you can quiet those worries AND save energy at the same time.

Whether you are on the front porch or on the other side of the world, with the press of an icon, you can turn on or off your lights in any room of the house. You can heat the bedroom before you get up in the morning. You can control the temperature of any room in the house at any time of the day.  You can turn on the oven so the roasted chicken is ready for you when you get home. You can even spy on the kids who are home before you get there.

Each push of the button, contributes to conservation efforts. Controlling lights, window coverings, HVAC, even irrigation systems adjusts the consumption of the planet’s, limited resources.

A Smart Home not only saves you energy and money it makes you look pretty darn smart too.


AUGUST 2016 – President’s article by Jill Riley


Redlands Chamber of Commerce Jill Riley President

We here at the Chamber are excited to present the 6th annual Cruisin’ Cuisine, Saturday, September 17th, check-in at 5:00 PM at the Chamber dining begins at 5:30 PM.  This is a great opportunity to visit local restaurants and sample taste treats from each.

Last year I was able to go with my family and we really enjoyed ourselves. We discovered some restaurants that we were completely unaware of and that we have been able to go back to and enjoy throughout the year.

This is a fun, casual event where you can spend time with your friends and family and do something different, while supporting the Chamber.

We have some great restaurants again this year including; Alfaro Catering, Bratworks, Corner Bakery, Dhat Island, Oscar’s Mexican Restaurant, Royal Falconer British Pub, Sizzler, Thai House, and The Old Spaghetti Factory.

As a bonus to an already delicious evening attendees have an opportunity to win a grand prize, provided by Paul and Joann Barich, Barich & Associates. By having a “passport” signed off at each restaurant and returned to the chamber there is an opportunity to win an Apple iPad Air.

The Citrus Valley Plumbing family is again attending this year I look forward to seeing you all there.

AUGUST 2016 – President Elect Todd Underwood announces slate of Directors for Chamber’s board

Todd Underwood

President Elect, Todd Underwood, announces slate of Directors for Chamber’s Board.

Jill Riley, Citrus Valley Plumbing, Jill has served the chamber in a number of capacities including most recently President of the organization. She took over the office in 2015 when then President Geoff Bonney relocated to the coast and had to step down. She has been a member of the “run” committees since inception and was fully committed to the Redlands Chamber LIVE program.

Scott Welsh, Welsh Insurance Services, returns to the Board serving two years of term that was previously held by a director who vacated the seat. Scott has been a great supporter of the Cruisin’ Cuisine, has been a part of the think tank that directs the organization and has been a faithful attendee at Rise ‘n Shine Redlands.

Mike Limon, Storage West has been asked to serve and additional three years having just completed a full term. For the past two years he has served as Treasurer of the organization, and is a member of the President’s Circle. Mike and Brina Limon were named one of the Chamber’s Small Business Award winners presented by Senator Mike Morrell.

Marrisa Harding, Ayres Hotel Redlands, is joining the Board for a full three year term. Marrisa has served on the Chamber’s Hotel Industry Council working with hotel owners to focus of tourism in Redlands, increasing the TOT generated for the City of Redlands. Marrisa has become a fixture at Rise n Shine Redlands along with Business to Business each month.

“I am pleased to present this slate of willing leaders, each committed to the organization and willing to contribute time and talent to lead our Chamber over the next three years.” said Underwood.

The organizations’ Bylaws provide for additional nominees by petition signed by 20 members in good standing. Petitions must be filed at the Chamber office fifteen days after public notification, a general election will follow.

AUGUST 2016 – Redlands Business Occupant Safety Survey program launched by Fire Department

# 3 Self InspectionThe Redlands Fire Department conducts fire and life safety inspections on an annual basis to ensure that businesses adhere to the requirements of the California Fire Code.   As an additional option for certain business types, the department is launching the Business Occupant Safety Survey “BOSS” occupant performed fire safety assessment program.  The Redlands City Council approved the “BOSS” program in an effort to reduce the impact of government fees on small businesses within Redlands.  Traditional Redlands Fire Department Inspections have a fee starting at $135.00.  The “BOSS” program allows qualifying business types to save money over a two year period.  Eligible businesses can now elect on alternating years to participate in the “BOSS” program by completing three simple steps.  First, when the “BOSS” form comes in the mail, carefully scrutinize their business for the items listed on the fire safety survey.  Second, complete and sign the fire safety survey form.  And third, mail the completed survey in the enclosed self-addressed envelope to the Redlands Fire Department along with a check for only $22.00.

The “BOSS” Program is intended to be an educational program for small businesses and building owners. It equips them with critical knowledge they need to keep their employees, customers, and property fire safe by adhering to the requirements of the California Fire Code. Educational materials combined with a fire safety survey checklist, allows the business owner and their employees to be familiar with the safety inspection process from start to finish.  The “BOSS” checklist will be mailed every other year depending on address to verify that hazards do not exist within your business or building.

The Redlands Fire Department’s “BOSS” program targets small, light hazard, commercial occupancies that do not normally have a high occupant load. Light hazard occupancies are locations where there is a relatively low amount of combustible materials within the occupied space, including furnishings, decorations, and other contents.  These occupancies may include:  small businesses or professional offices, small retail shops, and small personal service shops such as barber shops, beauty shops, or nail salons.  If a business fits into this category, it may be eligible to conduct its own fire safety survey.  Occupants may elect to complete the safety surveys more often; however, a reminder will be e-mailed and mailed to qualifying businesses on a biennial (every other yearly) basis.

Those business owners completing the survey can access a web link for additional information about the checklist at:

The Redlands Fire Prevention staff is available to answer any questions at (909) 798-7601. Businesses may also elect to opt out of the “BOSS” program and ask for a regular fire inspection.

Here is a partial list of businesses types that under normal conditions MAY be eligible:

  • Animal hospitals, kennels, and pounds
  • Banks
  • Barber and beauty shops
  • Car washes
  • Clinic and outpatient offices
  • Electronic data processing offices
  • Professional services (architects, attorneys, dentists, physicians, engineers, etc.)
  • Radio and television stations
  • Training and skill development not within a school or academic program

Businesses which are ineligible for the “BOSS” Inspection program which include those businesses that present a larger potential for life and/or dollar loss, will be inspected by Redlands Fire Department personnel.  These inspections include schools, hospitals, large care facilities, hazardous occupancies, and assembly occupancies such as restaurants, movie theaters, and auditoriums.

Based on individual conditions, history of fire code violations, construction type, the presence of other hazards, and/or activities that require permitting, the Fire Department retains the right to require a Fire Department staff conducted inspection.

Fire Chief Jeff Frazier emphasizes, “This is a partnership with our business community.  For the BOSS program to work, we need the business owners to take the safety survey process seriously and return the completed form to the Department.”

The Redlands Chamber of Commerce applauds the program for its cost savings benefit. Kathie Thurston, Chamber Executive Director, says, “The Chamber of Commerce is delighted that the Fire Department has implemented the BOSS program, and encourages the business community to embrace it with enthusiasm.  Anytime there is an opportunity for the business community to experience a reduction in fees, it’s time to celebrate.”  Thurston commends the Boss program for being simple for businesses to do.  “The Chamber has worked with the Department to refine and simplify the survey making it user friendly and easy to do.  This is another example of business and government working together to become more efficient and effective.”

The “BOSS” inspection program launched July 1.

AUGUST 2016 – A feast of food at Redlands Chamber Cruisin’ Cuisine

An afternoon tea cake and sandwich stand.

When was the last time you ate at 10 restaurants in one evening? Perhaps at last year’s Redlands Chamber Cruisin’ Cuisine! Well it’s time once again to nibble your way through downtown Redlands. Saturday, September 17, the Chamber will again showcase 10 of the finest dining establishments in Redlands. Savory delights from but not limited Corner Bakery, Sizzler Restaurant, Oscar’s Mexican Restaurant, Alfaro Catering, Royal Falconer Pub, Dhat Island, Thai House, Bratworks, The Old Spaghetti Factory and more.

At each location your dining passport will be signed and at the end it becomes your chance to win an Apple I-pad, provided by Paul T. and Joann Barich, Barich and Associates.

Tickets are $40 per person. Check-in is at 5:00 PM at the Chamber office and from there you direct your foodie adventure, visit any of the restaurants in any order.

The entire evening is pedestrian friendly, taste bud tantalizing and a gastronomic adventure into the dining opportunities in Redlands.

For more information call the Chamber office at 793-2546.


AUGUST 2016 – Member Profile – Coldwell Banker Town and Country

Coldwell Banker Town and Country…where home begins4  Colwell Banker LOGO

Coldwell Banker Town and Country is a full service real estate office, assisting both buyers and sellers. Whether you are buying or selling, your satisfaction is their primary concern.

Located in Redlands, California at 501 W. Redlands Blvd. Suite A ….. Coldwell Banker Town and Country takes pride that it is a part of a a city of cultural arts, civic pride and delightful living. Redlands is home to local citrus groves, vintage homes, the University of Redlands, ESRI, a worldwide technological mapping company as well as the world renowned Redlands Bicycle Classic.

The Colwell Banker Town and Country team have the knowledge to provide local expertise in Redlands and its surrounding communities.

Coldwell Banker Town and Country understands that they are not in the business of real estate, but in fact, are delivering the excitement, dreams and memories of finding a new home. Whether it’s buying, selling, renting or a landlord in need of our property management service, the office is staffed with quality and friendly real estate agents ready to answer your questions.

To speak to a real estate expert call Lance Martin, president, or any of the agents at 909- 792-4147 or log in to


AUGUST 2016 – New Chamber members – July 2016

Ken Hunter
611 W. Redlands Blvd
Redlands, CA 92373
Phone: 744-7822

Joanna Littlefield
101 E. Redlands Blvd, Suite 215
Redlands, CA 92373
Phone: 793-1078

Vanessa Gilmore
3300 W. Camelback Road
Phoenix, AZ 85017|
Phone: 951-790-3523

Katie Willis
263 W. Orange Show Lane
San Bernardino, CA 92408|
Phone: 383-6655

Lorraine Martinez
414 Tennessee Street
Redlands, CA 92373
Phone: 798-4000